Знања која се стичу по разредима:

Први разред
Vocabulary: Colours, numbers: 1-10, classroom objects, family members, rooms, animals, parts of the body, food, toys, festivals (Christmas, Easter)

Други разред
Vocabulary: Colours, numbers 1-20, everyday objects, parts of the body, classroom objects, clothes, family members, weather conditions, rooms of the house, animals, food, letters of the alphabet, writing words and short sentences

Трећи разред
Vocabulary: basic vocabulary, greetings, introducing themselves and the others, write about themselves, family members, house and furniture, talking about locations, describing one’s bedroom, giving and receiving presents, identifying objects, talking about age, clothes and possessions, jobs and occupations, talking about abilities, making suggeestions, talking about what people can and can’t do, talking about physical appearance, parts of the body.

Grammar: letters, to be, spelling, commands, possessive adjectives, demonstrative pronouns, wh-questions, there is, in definite article, prepositions, yes/no answers, how many, possessive pronouns, can, let’s, have got.

Четврти разред
Vocabulary: numbers 1-100, family members, titles and greetings, animals, everyday objects, the alphabet, colours, common possessions, rooms of the house and furniture, food and drink, countires, days of the week, school subjects, activities, body/animal parts, adjectives to describe physical appearance, action verbs, meal times, sports.

Grammar: personal pronouns, possessive adjectives, to be, question words, demonstrative pronouns, articles, plural of nouns, prepositions, possessives, have got, can, imperatives, present simple.

Пети разред
Vocabulary: titles, greetings, greet someone, ask someone’s name, introduce yourself, introduce your family, ask and say how old you and other people are, ask and say where you and other people are from, ask and say what something is, ask and say where something is, ask and say what things are, ask and say where you and other people are, ask and say who things belong to, describe a house/room, describe people, ask and say what you and other people have or haven’t got, tell the time, can/can’t (ability, permission), free time, questions: how much, food and drink, British money, your body, clothes, adjectives, verbs, daily routine, my school day, everyday activities, the weather, months of the year, places in town, countries and nationalities, hair styles and colours, animals, numbers, fruit.

Grammar: to be, subject pronouns, possessive adjectives, demonstrative pronouns, prepositions, plural of nouns, articles, possessive ‘s, there is/are, have got, can, question words, imperatives, present simple, adverbs of frequency, present continuous, want to + infinitive.

Шести разред
Vocabulary: family members, everyday activities, sports, school subjects, food, places in town, professions, dates, space, months and days, expressions of time, high numbers, adjectives, hobbies, activity verbs, music, TV programmes, travel, school words, personality adjectives.

Grammar: present simple, present continious, adverbs of frequency, likes and dislikes, question words, possessive pronouns, countable and uncountable nouns, quantifiers, past simple, comparatives and superlatives, going to future, suggestions, present continuous for future agreement, permission, obligation, prohibition, ordering food, inviting people, by plus means of transport, directions, regular and irregular adverbs, infinitive of purpose with to.

Седми разред
Ask and talk about personal information, say what is happening, ask and talk about your plans and intentions, ask and talk about your future arrangements, ask and talk about things that happened in the past, ask and talk about what you could or couldn’t do as a child, ask and say what you were doing at certain times, ask and say about your life now and in the past, ask and talk about famous people, ask and talk about what clothes you like, talk about films, buy cinema tickets, talk about what has just happened, ask and talk about past experiences, ask and talk about past up to now, talk about the books you like, ask and talk about future predictions, offer to do things, talk about your ambitions, ask and talk about jobs you would like to do, describe people, ask and talk about situations with if and will, ask permission to do things, ask and talk about things you have to do, ask and talk about illnesses, giving advice, ask and talk about imaginary situations, ask and talk about what things are made of, ask and talk about places in the world, report what people have said and asked, say goodbye.

Places in town, money, free time activities, verbs of action, prepositions of motion, musical instruments, clothes, patterns and styles, film types, shapes and textures, words to do with sports, transport and travel, types of book, technology, furniture and furnishings, jobs, personality adjectives, cooking verbs, phrasal verbs, sport places, common illnesses, legal ages, materials, landscape.

Grammar: present simple and continuous, object pronouns, going to, could, past continuous, conjunctions, used to, determiners, too and enough, defining relative clauses with who, which and where, pronouns someone, something, somewhere, present perfect simple, future simple, would, stating preferences with would rather and would prefer to, zero conditional, first conditional, may, obligation and prohibition, giving advice with should, second conditional, present simple passive, past simple passive, reported statements and questions.

Осми разред
Vocabulary: clothes, fashion, adjectives, materials, wordbuilding, types of music, instruments, adverbs, types of holidays, activities, health, advice, inventions and discoveries, computers, illnesses, phrasal verbs, crimes, relationships, rooms, types of films, film actors, film making, furniture, transport, entertainment, communication, food.

Grammar: review of verb tenses, auxiliary verbs, comparatives and superlatives, past simple and past continuous tenses contrasted, conditional sentences, suggestions, likes and dislikes, relative clauses, review of prepositions, quantity, agreeing, advice, how questions, passives, the past perfect tense, modals for speculation, prohibition, past participles, question tags, reported speech, indefinite pronouns, permission, uses of can, although, however.